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Forum Posts

Derryen Plante
Nov 07, 2020
Derryen Plante
Nov 07, 2020
Derryen Plante
Nov 07, 2020
In General Discussions
Tell us a little bit about yourself and how invisible injuries have impacted your life or the life of someone you love. My name is Derryen Plante. I am currently 27 years old and live in Maine with my two fur babies Kanga & Roo. When I was 23 years old I was working in a prison where I was assaulted by an inmate. The assault left me with a third-degree shoulder separation and a severe concussion. It took years for me to be diagnosed with the invisible injuries I was suffering from including Visual Midline Shift Syndrome, Occipital Neuralgia, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Central Sleep Apnea, and cognitive deficits. The assault and the aftermath of trying to receive treatment for my injuries took a significant toll on me. There were times where I had completely lost all hope that I would ever live a normal life, or know what it was like to not live in debilitating pain. I decided to share my experiences by writing my book You've Got Some Nerve: The Battle Back from an Invisible Injury, to offer strength and hope to others suffering in similar circumstances. I look forward to connecting with you and hearing your stories 💕
Derryen Plante
Nov 07, 2020
In General Discussions
This forum is dedicated to those suffering from brain injuries, PTSD, and other invisible illnesses. The goal of this forum is to create a safe and supportive space for those suffering from various invisible injuries to connect with others who have similar experiences. My hope is that as people begin to share experiences, they not only feel less isolated in their illness, but they feel validated in what they are experiencing. You are not alone here! I can't wait to connect with you and hear your story ❤️

Derryen Plante

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